Love Life and Gluten Free by angie cowen

{ After spending years learning to nourish her own self, wholefood chef and author, Angie Cowen decided to create a collection of delicious gluten and dairy free recipes to encourage people to love their bodies, bring beauty into their kitchen and deliciousness into their home. }

yum. sits down with passionate wholefood chef and cookbook author of Love Life and Gluten Free, Angie Cowen. Angie’s life had years of fatigue and illness prior to making the life changing decision to eliminate gluten, dairy, refined sugar and processed foods. It wasn’t long before her health and wellbeing flourished, which encouraged her to commit to gaining a deeper knowledge into the benefits of wholefoods and clean eating. Her gluten free and dairy free recipes aim to encourage people to love their bodies, bring beauty into their kitchen and enhance their sense of wellbeing.

ygf: Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m the second eldest of four sisters who grew up in the north shore of Sydney. My passions have always been centred around food and dancing, as they are the times in life when I feel my most happy and fulfilled.

ygf: Good, wholesome food will brighten any day! So, why do your food choices now include a strict gluten free diet?

At the age of 23 I had a year of tonsillitis and glandular fever. It took me an entire year of illness, hospital visits, extreme exhaustion and 9 rounds of antibiotics to get to the place where I had had enough and took matters into my own hands. I started to look at what foods left me feeling fatigued or fuzzy headed and noticed that gluten, dairy, refined sugars, processed foods and alcohol were major contributors of feeling this. I have now been religiously gluten free for 6 years and feeling better than ever.

ygf: Wow, what a transformation and such inspiration for those struggling with recurring illness. Tell us how this kicked off your cookbook, Love Life and Gluten Free and how it all began.

Love Life and Gluten Free is a business that was created as a result of my health struggles, travelling and studies. I realised it’s not just about the food that we eat that brings about health and wellbeing, but also the way in which we eat. Are we stressed or concerned with tasks coming up in the day? I found that nourishment comes in many forms such as spending time in good company, having real conversations, letting go of thoughts that do not serve you, etc. The brand and business include each of these important topics to nourish the belly and the heart in over 100 gluten and dairy free recipes. In my workshops and via my newsletters you will find me discussing all things Love Life and Gluten Free.

In August last year I crowdfunded the book and raised over $17,000 which was just incredible. Love Life and Gluten Free was released in November last year and I’m excited to share that I’ve sold over 1500 copies so far.

ygf: Congratulations! What does a normal day in your life look like now?

A normal day for me is so varied as my business is so varied. My ultimate day is waking around 6am, doing yoga and meditation, having a home cooked breakfast, then start working. On any given day you will find me in a multitude of beautiful locations around Australia… catering beautiful yoga retreats or weddings, running corporate cooking workshops, writing and testing recipes, filming a cooking video, going to dance classes or spending time with family and friends.

ygf: What would you say is the best part about your business?

Definitely meeting so many beautiful people from all over the world and watching them feel more nourished and supported as I cook for them. It brings me so much happiness to feel another individuals’ health increase. I am continuously inspired by the belief that when we commit to our health and wellbeing, everything works more elegantly from there. It is a joy to witness how people feel safe and nourished and more connected to their bodies and what they are about to eat when I cater for them.

ygf: Community is so important for best health. Any funny stories you’d like to share?

My business used to be called “Angie Gluten Free” which was on my credit card. The number of times I got asked if my surname was “Gluten Free” was hilarious!

ygf: That is too funny! A teachable moment about gluten free! What’s your #1 health tip?

Listen to your body for it is wiser than you can imagine. It’s telling you things everyday and it’s up to you to listen to what it’s saying. Bloating, heartburn, headaches, fuzzy head and tiredness are all forms of communication. The trick is to then find the pattern that causes these communications to occur. For example, if the communication is that food is not being digested properly and causing bloating, then the action would be going through the process of figuring out why. Are you not chewing your food properly, are you eating too much food, etc.

ygf: What is your vision for the future? Anything exciting in the pipeline?

I’m just getting excited about writing a new cookbook which will be released later next year. It’s very exciting to be coming up with so many new recipes that inspire me and that my guests are enjoying so much.

ygf: Any final details you would like our readers to know about you?

My YouTube channel is a wonderful resource for people who are looking for new gluten free inspiration and recipes – It’s called Love Life & Gluten Free


insta: lovelifeandglutenfree
facebook: lovelifeandglutenfree

youtube: Love Life & Gluten Free



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