Angela Dimitrakopoulos 80Raw. 20Paleo.
{Full of vitality and fit as a fiddle it’s hard to image Ange ever feeling unwell. However, feeling this full}
Full of vitality and fit as a fiddle it’s hard to image Ange ever feeling unwell. However, feeling this full of beans is a relatively new thing as she struggled with food allergies and illness for most of her life.
A few years ago Ange finally found the diet that worked for her, her digestive pain eased, her skin cleared, her sleep improved and she felt full of energy. She has settled in happily with a raw, paleo, gluten free and dairy free diet.
Out of her quest for good health, her business 80Raw. 20Paleo. was born. I first encountered Ange over a paleo/raw/gf/vegan nutella doughnut at the Glebe Markets in Sydney. This doughnut was UNREAL but the rest of her business and her attitude towards wellness is just as impressive.
Tell us about your journey to finding the diet that worked for you?
From a young age I was sensitive to a lot of foods and environmental factors, I was always in and out of the doctors and as a teenager ended up having immune therapy. My symptoms subsided for many years but came back with a vengeance. I don’t think I can even remember how many times I was severely sick. Once I lost 7kg in two weeks and disintegrating into something that was completely unrecognizable.
I started training to become a figure competitor and became very aware of the effects of what I ate. I wanted to escape the stomach pain, headaches, lethargy and lack of appetite. It wasn’t till I was gluten free, dairy free, paleo and raw that the huge improvement was made.
So how did this change in your diet affect your life?
I cannot comprehend the difference consuming a high amount of raw food had to my life, energy levels, training capabilities and of course, body composition. My skin was glowing, clear and wrinkle free. My stomach settled, my hair grew, my nails became stronger.
I wanted to share this amazing feeling with my family, many of them also have food allergies, so I started cooking for them. Everyone was giving me great feedback and I really believe in the health benefits of the food I make, so my business 80raw. 20paleo. was born.
I started off with a small number of wholesalers in my local area and now I’m a regular at markets, festivals and even have my products in David Jones!
What is next for your business?
80raw. 20paleo. is three years old now, this year we are making big changes to the online shop. There are already loads of the granola products on the shop but the treats will also go on in the next couple of months. Soon Sydney siders will be able to get their snickers or caramel slice delivered to them!
What is your favourite 80raw. 20paleo. snack?
I’m sorry I can’t choose between the granola and the baklava!
Any advice for others who are struggling to find a diet that works?
My diet works on so many levels, I feel well and a look well but I’m also strong. With my business I’m always on my feet and I have to lift 20kg boxes of stock. I need a lot of strength and energy and this gluten free, dairy free, paleo and raw diet works really well for me. I had to do a lot of trial and error to get this diet right.
Don’t be afraid of trying a diet because you think the food will be bland. The flavour and texture of food doesn’t have to be sacrificed if you give up gluten or dairy or grains. People are always so pleased with the way nuts can create such delicious food and doesn’t leave them with bloating or a post-sugar crash.
What’s a good raw and paleo recipe to try if you’re new to this diet?
These are great if you have a sweet craving, and just want something small and a little less ‘naughty’ Cherries also aid in exercise recovery, so try and use fresh, organic cherries, available seasonally (Summer).
Stuffed tomatoes with crunchy nut, cauliflower rice
The Greek in me had to make a vegan alternative to the original! These taste AMAZING, so if you have a little but of time on your hands, why not dish this up for your friends and family over the weekend. It’s so simple, quick and tastes sensational!
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