About yum. Gluten Free
managing director & publisher
After nine years of unexplained symptoms, Olivia was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease in 2010. She has always been a lover of food, health and wellness and has channeled this diagnosis into a passion for spreading awareness about the harmful effects of gluten on those with Coeliac Disease. With her background in public health and nutrition, she is passionate about increasing awareness for Coeliac Disease, sharing practical tips and tricks for managing strict dietary restrictions and connecting gluten free products to consumers everywhere!
“yum.” It’s the universal word for flavour and great taste. It’s the verbal reward for any cook who has spent time beside a kitchen bench. It is also the name of Australia’s online resource and digital magazine celebrating, exploring, understanding, informing and reviewing anything and everything gluten free.
A talented and experienced publishing team has come together to finally create an informative online publication celebrating all things in the world of gluten free. yum. Gluten Free not only delivers recipes to help at meal times but discusses gluten free topics like types of gluten free flours, converting recipes and sourcing healthier options. There are also feature product reviews, eating out, blogs, websites and apps – the list is never ending. We are thrilled to have a huge list of well known gluten free personalities on board as yum. Gluten Free contributors, each of them with their own substantial individual followings that yum. also looks forward to connecting with.
Coeliac Disease is a common condition which affects 1 per cent of people in the Western world. It is more common among Caucasians and less common among people of African and Asian descent. In Australia, it occurs in at least 1 in every 100 people. Symptoms may start at any age, ranging from infancy to adulthood. For unknown reasons, it is 2-3 times more common in women than men. The estimated number of people with Coeliac disease in Australia is about 230,000. This estimate does not included people with a gluten intolerance or people who choose to maintain a gluten free diet.