GluteGuard Testimonials
{ Check out these testimonials demonstrating just how beneficial GluteGuard can be. For me, I don’t leave the house without it!}
Trying a new product is often intimidating, especially when it’s for something as important as your gut! Fortunately GluteGuard has a number of amazing testimonials, stating people’s experiences in all different scenarios.
We have found using GluteGuard to be extremely helpful, both in dealing with food anxiety and in managing potential symptoms. Whilst we only encourage a 100% gluten free, cross-contaminant free diet, there are still times that meal prep is out of your hands. That’s when we use GluteGuard. As always, yum. Gluten Free only recommends that you consume products you have researched and are comfortable with. See the testimonials below!
While Travelling
“I have been using GluteGuard for 4 months now. It’s absolutely brilliant! I’m just home from 3 weeks in the USA and I had no food problems with cross contamination at all when taking this. The only time I didn’t use it was in a dedicated gluten free cafe for Coeliacs (which managed to gluten me). I absolutely recommend this product, and for me it’s just an essential item that I will not travel or eat out without taking. Thanks GluteGuard”
Sharon G., New Zealand
“This has been the most incredible product! It has allowed me the freedom of not worrying about cross-contamination at restaurants, and freedom I didn’t think I would ever have when travelling overseas’
Ella H., Australia
Managing Symptoms
Gluteguard is a life saviour! After experiencing the worst brain fog and tummy ache, it’s very traumatising now for me to eat even at my own home. I would always prepare the same food that I know it’s safe for my tummy. With Gluteguard, I can now enjoy my meal and not having to worry about bloating and tummy pains. Just came back from my NZ holiday and really enjoyed my trip and dining out. Glad that there’s a lot of restaurants and cafes that offer GF foods in their menu. No more fears of cross contamination with Gluteguard. Awesome!
Diana T., Australia
‘I have been using Glute Guard now for 2 months and have had the odd meal that I know included some gluten. I also had an annual full blood workup last week and there were NO gluten markers at all in the results, so I can verify that it does work. My GP was quite impressed with the result, as was I..’
Peter L., Australia
General Wellbeing
“My daughter recently became gluten sensitive after a stomach infection. These tablets have been an enormous help to her in adjusting to a gluten free diet. They have given her the freedom to still enjoy a meal out with friends or while away from home without having to worry about getting stomach pains and nausea. Really a very necessary product that should be available all over the world. Keep up the good work!”
Julie O., Australia
“It is a fabulous product- for me, it is a life-change. My daughter uses it as well and it has been a godsend. Thank you”
Carmel H., Australia
“Having this pill makes life much less stressful when travelling or at social events, reducing the need to be hypervigilant’
Theres M., New Zealand
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