Increase your Gluten Free Confidence { Living on a strict gluten free diet? Here are a few places you may find gluten and how to stay safe } Contributor: Glutagen FOOD IS SOMETHING WE REQUIRE SEVERAL TIMES A DAY… SO LET’S ENSURE WE CAN ENJOY IT WHEN WE NEED TO CONSUME A GLUTEN FREE DIET. Food is life! We need food to survive, we enjoy food for community, we share food to celebrate and, let’s be real, who doesn’t love salivating over a delicious meal! However, dining out with dietary conditions can be quite stressful. For those of us who need
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Archives for HEALTH
How to Maintain Good Gut Health in Winter
How to Maintain Good Gut Health in Winter { Australian Dietitian and Health and Wellness Ambassador for SunRice, The Nude Nutritionist has quit diets and is here to give us the naked truth on health. } Contributor: yum. Gluten Free Maintaining great gut health and how it affects our immunity are tricky topics. Lyndi gives us the down low on how to encourage good gut health and why it’s important. Words by: Lyndi Cohen There is some seriously exciting research being done to show just how much your gut health can influence your body’s ability to resist infection. It has
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Is Alcohol Gluten Free
Is Alcohol Gluten Free { Whether alcohol is gluten free or not is an area that many of us are not confident in } Contributor: yum. Gluten Free There are many questions surrounding whether or not liquor or spirits are gluten free, if there are safe beers and if all cider is gluten free. What’s the story with alcohol and coeliac disease? According to Coeliac Australia, “All alcohol is gluten free with the exception of beer.” While this sounds fantastic, there are still questions being asked about the specifics. We have broken down alcohol by beer, cider, wine and spirits to really
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Does Living Gluten Free Affect our Quality of Life?
Does Living Gluten Free Affect our Quality of Life? { When following a strict gluten free diet, how do we prepare ourselves for the emotional and social effects? Is it actually possible to stay 100% gluten free and safe without affecting our quality of life? } Contributor: Glutagen “Can I have this gluten free? Free from cross-contamination from wheat, barley, rye, malt and oats? And will you please change your gloves, wash your hands, use new utensils, toast on the grill on foil, check labels for ‘may contain’ statements, flash fry in a pan versus deep fry, tell me an
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Are Oats Safe for Coeliacs on a Gluten Free Diet
Are Oats Safe for Coeliacs on a Gluten Free Diet { Whether you’re craving an ANZAC biscuit or just after a bowl of oatmeal, do you know if it’s safe for coeliac’s to eat oats? Are oats gluten free and, if not… why not? We’re here to crack the code and find out if oats are safe on a strict gluten free diet. } Contributor: yum. Gluten Free Words by Elysha Medhurst Oats are a big topic of conversation when discussing coeliac disease or a gluten free diet. So the question is, are oats gluten free? This is a
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Dining Out with Coeliac Disease Webinar
Dining Out with Coeliac Disease Webinar { You know what I’m talking about… a casual Sunday brunch with friends turns into a highly stressful outing and feeling sick before you even order! (I can relate.) So how do those with coeliac disease stay safe when dining out? } Contributor: yum. Gluten Free I’m Olivia, owner of yum. Gluten Free. With my degree in public health and nutrition and as a coeliac myself, I have spent the past 8 years learning how to manage this condition and live a happy (mostly) stress-free life! For years I suffered with severe anxiety of
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Gluten Anxiety and Your Wellbeing
Gluten Anxiety and Your Wellbeing { If you’re feeling like food anxiety is taking over your life, you are not alone. There are many ways we can lower our anxiety for a better health, one of which is removing the very thing that is causing us fear. } Contributor: Glutagen As many members of the yum. Gluten Free community would know, the anxiety and stress that accompanies a gluten-free diet can negatively affect individual wellbeing. The symptoms of gluten sensitivity are not limited to physical manifestations, with studies indicating that managing gluten sensitivity is also linked to psychiatric and neurological
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Eat Foods to Beat Anxiety
Eat Foods to Beat Anxiety { Utilise food to enhance your mood and curb stress! } Contributor: yum. Gluten Free Words by Jayta Szpitalak, Fermentanicals Founder With our current high paced lifestyle and ubiquitous use of on-demand technology, stress and anxiety are on the rise. Around 1 in every 3 Aussie women and 1 in every 5 Aussie men will experience some form of anxiety in their lifetime. When it comes to managing stress, we can often turn to food to cope, but what we often fail to realise is the very same foods can be contributing to a higher
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Five Tips for Avoiding Cross Contamination during the Holidays
Five Tips for Avoiding Cross Contamination during the Holidays { It’s the holiday season! It’s time to sit back and relax with loved ones, however we know that is much easier said than done. See our tops tips here to make the holidays a bit more enjoyable! } Contributor: Glutagen Cross-contamination is incredibly common, and a huge source of anxiety for those individuals who experience gluten sensitivity. Luckily, the YGF team has you covered with the following tips for avoiding cross-contamination during the stressful holiday season! These holidays, give yourself the gift of good health by following these handy pointers. Keep
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Gluten Free Diet Maintenance Made Easier with Digestive Enzymes
GLUTEN FREE DIET MAINTENANCE MADE EASY WITH ENZYMES { Need a safeguard for your gluten-free diet? Read on to learn how GluteGuard can help you avoid cross-contamination and enhance your gluten-free confidence! } Contributor: Glutagen Gluten-free diet adherence can be challenging for many individuals- gluten cross-contamination is common, especially when eating out, travelling or when food preparation is out of your control. It is well-known that a strict gluten-free diet is the only means of treating severe gluten sensitivity. However, as a gluten-free diet can be fraught with error, it has been recognised that a safeguard against instances of cross-contamination
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