Five Tips for Avoiding Cross Contamination during the Holidays
{ It’s the holiday season! It’s time to sit back and relax with loved ones, however we know that is much easier said than done. See our tops tips here to make the holidays a bit more enjoyable! }
Cross-contamination is incredibly common, and a huge source of anxiety for those individuals who experience gluten sensitivity.
Luckily, the YGF team has you covered with the following tips for avoiding cross-contamination during the stressful holiday season! These holidays, give yourself the gift of good health by following these handy pointers.
1. Keep on the look out for hidden gluten
It is very easy to be misled by common misconceptions about gluten-free food or complicated ingredients labelled, especially when catering for large groups during the holiday season! Starches are often used as a binding agent for many foods. Bouillon cubes, pre-made sauces and gravies contain wheat flour as a thickener, while frozen products sometimes utilise wheat flour to prevent sticking. Make sure to be wary when sampling gravy with the Christmas ham, or the frozen mince pies!
2. Do your research when travelling
It can be tough to monitor your gluten-intake when in a foreign country, due to language barriers, traditional dishes and a lack of control of your own cooking. By being thorough with your research- such as about the ingredients of traditional foods- and by organising translations of necessary gluten-free phrases into the local language, you can avoid any nasty surprises.
3. Make the most of gluten-free diet safeguards
Enzyme supplements such as GluteGuard are here to help you prevent nasty symptoms, reducing levels of gluten anxiety! By detoxifying any inadvertently ingested gluten particles, GluteGuard prevents the symptoms and long-lasting damage associated with all levels of gluten sensitivity, acting as a safeguard for gluten-free diet compliance. Remember, GluteGuard is only recommended to be taken while consuming a 100% gluten-free diet. It is a helpful safeguard, not a replacement!
4. Monitor your health
Of course, the holidays are a time to indulge. However, with a gluten-free diet can be accompanied by a raft of nutritional deficiencies of you do not take the care to adapt your intake to ensure you’re making the correct dietary choices for your own health.
5. Don’t be afraid to be thorough
Especially for those who are new to gluten-free diets, all the preparation required before going out for dinner can seem overwhelming and a little overzealous. Remember, don’t be afraid to be thorough! Call the restaurant ahead to let them know that you’re coming- this makes it easier for them to cater for you, and leaves you feeling safe in the knowledge that they know what you’re dealing with. Additional tips include asking them to label your reservation with your level of gluten sensitivity, and reminding the staff when you arrive. Your gut will thank you for your diligence in the long run!
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